how many cats is too many

How Many Cats Is Too Many? 6 Things You Need To Consider

Right after people fall in love with the furry little cats, they can not stop thinking about getting one for themselves. With time, the...
Why Do Cats Bite

Why Do Cats Bite?

If you think the cat’s biting comes only out of aggression, then you are wrong. Mouthing and biting are not uncommon in kittens and...
How to get rid of cats

How To Get Rid of Cats? Easy 5 Methods

How to get rid of cats? I get this question quite often. Cats are undoubtedly cute and harmless fellows. But the increasing number of...
How to Make Cats Get Along

How to Make Cats Get Along Within the Shortest Period

Raising multiple cats is a challenge itself. What happens if your felines do not get along? The house will turn into a warzone and...
how do cats get tapeworms

How Do Cats Get Tapeworms? – Here Are The Top Two Reasons

Cats can easily get infected with worms. Even the indoor cats are not out of the danger. Tapeworm is a common parasite among felines....
Why Do Cats Hiss

Why Do Cats Hiss? Annoyed Or Scared? – Find Out The Facts Behind This...

The first time, I heard my cat hissing was a bit of a scary experience. It was my first cat, and I didn’t have...
how do cats get worms

How Do Cats Get Worms? – Find Out The Risks

Cats and worms! This phrase can be a nightmare for many cat parents. No matter if your cat is an indoor cat or plays...
How to Keep Cats Out of Flower Beds

Tricks on How to Keep Cats Out of Flower Beds

Being a cat parent is a fantastic feeling. But it can become difficult too. Because cats make mischiefs very often and sometimes it gets...
how do cats see

How Do Cats See? Top 8 Facts You Must Know

I bet you have heard the terms ‘fish-eye lens’ or ‘bird-eye lens’. But what about a ‘cat-eye lens’? Well, we never talk about how...
why do cats meow at night

Why Do Cats Meow At Night? Learn The Top 8 Reasons

Does your pet cat meow a lot at night? Do you think it is weird? Well, in ancient times, cats used to hunt in...

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