A few months back, I observed some symptoms in my cat of having worms. I immediately took him to the vet and did all the tests. It is a relief that my cat is alright now. 

Throughout this experience, I realized that our indoor cats get infected with worms easily. But we have a little idea on how to get rid of worms in cats. So, I did my research and talked with some experts on this topic. And why not share the knowledge with you? 

In this article, you will get to know about the cat worms and how your cat can get rid of these parasites. 

Types of worms in cats 

How to treat worms in cats

Before getting into how to get rid of worms in cats, let’s see the common parasites that can infect your felines. Basically, worms are intestinal parasites. A cat can get a total of 8 types of worms.

The most common ones are: 

  1. Roundworms 
  2. Lungworms
  3. Hookworms
  4. Tapeworms
  5. Heartworms 

Roundworms in cats 

The roundworms are common in cats. A cat can get these parasites in many ways. An infected cat will exhibit the symptoms given below: 

  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Dull fur
  • Swollen belly 

You need to deworm the cat with the prescription of a vet. Also, to prevent the infection, keep your house clean, and make sure your feline does not go outside often. 

Lungworms in cats 

The lungworms can do severe damage to the cat. Generally, a cat gets these parasites through food and water that have worm larvae. The parasites run to the lung via the bloodstream. 

An infected cat will have problems breathing and show no interest in play. Besides deworming the cat, it is important to provide the feline healthy and hygienic food. 


Hookworm is another common parasite. The hookworm larvae can live in the soil for a long time. If your feline gets near to those microscopic worm eggs, he will get the parasite. 

Blood in stool, anemia, dull coat, weight loss are the symptoms of having hookworms. These parasites can be treated with deworming medications. To get rid of the hookworms, make sure the pet is playing in a clean place. 

Tapeworm in cats 

Most cats suffer from the tapeworms. These parasites are long and flat. If your cat has tapeworms, he will lose weight. Also, you will notice big fat tapeworms in his feces. 

Your cat can get dewormed either with an oral medicine or an injection. The small animals like lizards, rodents, fleas, or squirrels are the main sources of tapeworm. So, try to keep your cat away from them. 

Heartworms in cats 

Heartworms can be really severe. The cat will have difficulty breathing, asthma attack, panic attack, etc. if you notice your cat having these symptoms, take him to the vet immediately. 

No drug can treat this condition. So, let the vet decide what is best for your feline. Usually, heartworms get transmitted from animal to animal. So, make sure the friend of your cat is dewormed.

How To Get Rid of Worms in Cats 

how to get rid of worms in cats

If your cat is suffering from worms, it is obvious that you want to treat the condition first. Here is how you can deworm your cat: 

1. Test for worms 

In the previous section, I have discussed the type of worm and its symptoms. If your cat is exhibiting any signs of having worms, you need to rush to the vet. 

The vet will take the stool sample of the cat and test it. After diagnosing properly, you can be sure of the type of worm. In the case of the heartworms, the vet may collect blood samples of the feline. 

2. Treat the cat with medicine 

The vet most probably suggests a liquid or tablet dewormer for the worms. The cat’s dewormers are available in tablets, granules, liquids, capsules, chewable, and so on. Even if you know the med names, do not give it to the cat without cross-checking with the vet. 

After getting the prescription, ask the doctor how to feed it to the cat and when. Do not do anything that may have a negative impact on the cat’s health. However, deworming medicines can have some side effects on the cat. He might vomit a lot or suffer from diarrhea. 

You need to ask the vet about the expected side effects. If you notice anything unusual, talk to the vet. Go for check-ups even if the cat is getting well. 

3. Prevent the worms 

Treating your infected cat is okay. But if you can prevent the worms, that will be the best solution. For this, you can ask for suggestions from your vet. He will instruct you on how to prevent fleas and worms. 

Also, keeping your cat indoors can reduce the chance of worm infestation. Your cat gets the worm mostly from the fleas, playing outside in the garden, coming in contact with lizards and rodents. So, keeping the cats indoor will help a lot. 

But of course, you need to consider the will of your cat. If he prefers playing outside, you should not force him. Many cat owners replicate the outside environment with scratching pots, windows, and some other things. 

A clean home and yard can help you keep your cat healthy. Clean the yard regularly. Clear any place where fleas can survive. However, at home, you have to focus on the sanitization. Vacuum the carpets every day. You can use safe sprays that kill both fleas and flea eggs.

Feces can be a way of spreading worms. Clean the litter box regularly. Also, wash the box thoroughly with soapy water. 

4. Home remedies for worms in cats

You can try home remedies to get rid of the worms in cats. For example, mixing pumpkin seeds or garlic in the cat food will be a great help. Also, fasting parasites is another good option. But for this, you have to make your cat healthy first, and then fast him for a few days. Eventually, the worms will die without affecting the cat’s health.  

Worms are dangerous, and sometimes they can damage your cat’s health. With this article on how to get rid of worms of cats, I hope you will be able to take better care of your pet.


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