How Often Do Cats Pee

How Often Do Cats Pee?

Peeing is a natural phenomenon in every animal. It is a process of depuration to keep animal organisms balanced. But excessive or limited peeing...
introduce two cats

How To Introduce Two Cats In The Shortest Period

Your cat will not greet the new kitty by saying hello on their first meet, right? You have to be the medium so that...
How to keep cats from scratching furniture remedies

How To Keep Cats From Scratching Furniture With Easy Tricks And Remedies

Have you ever woken up and discovered your sofa nearly destroyed with cat scratches? If yes, then this article is for you. While scratching...
cats knead

Why Do Cats Make Biscuits? Reasons Behind This Weird Cat Behavior

Cats making biscuits? Are you a little surprised? Well, these furry balls are no baker. But their kneading behavior is often referred to as...
Cats off Furniture

How to Keep Cats off Furniture: Must Working Tips That Never Fail

Are you ready to say goodby to your flexible, shiny, and fancy leather couch? Your furry little friend is the master of claw art...
How To Train Cats In A Fun Way

How To Train Cats In A Fun Way

I often complain that cats do not follow instructions and behave bossy. I say this is totally the fault of the cat parent. Training...

How To Get Rid Of Stray Cats In A Humane Way – From ...

You can not deny that cats are cute no matter if it is petted or a stray meow. At the same time, you can't...

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