Why do cats sleep on you

Why Do Cats Sleep on You? Here Are The Top 6 Reasons

No matter how comfortable the bed is, your pet feline will still sleep next to you, from time to time. Sometimes, it will sleep...
How To Train Cats In A Fun Way

How To Train Cats In A Fun Way

I often complain that cats do not follow instructions and behave bossy. I say this is totally the fault of the cat parent. Training...
how to introduce cats

How Do You Successfully Introduce Two Cats?

Are you thinking of getting a second cat? If you are going to get a new cat and you are worried if it will...
Why Do Cats Like Boxes

Why Do Cats Like Boxes? – Learn The Mysterious Facts About Your Cat

Cat and boxes! Who does not know this cat phrase? Each feline has an unconditional love for boxes. But why do cats like boxes? Like...
Cats off Furniture

How to Keep Cats off Furniture: Must Working Tips That Never Fail

Are you ready to say goodby to your flexible, shiny, and fancy leather couch? Your furry little friend is the master of claw art...

How To Introduce Cats To Each Other With 5 Effective Steps

I have been raising multiple cats for years. I often see people facing problems with their cats as the felines do not get along....
how to keep cats out of your yard

How to Keep Cats Out of Your Yard Permanently

Even if you are a cat person walking in the garden only to find cat poop in there is a displeasing sight, to say...
how high can cats jump

How High Can Cats Jump?

You can not ignore the sheer athleticism of your pet cat. It sometimes makes me wonder how these little fellows can beat us, humans,...
how do cats mate

How Do Cats Mate? Everything You Need To Know

Cats mating can seem like the breeding of any other animals. But if you learn deeply about their mating process, you will discover many...
Why Do Cats Lick You

The Answer to Why Do Cat Lick Us?

As humans, we tend to associate licking with love. So, when our feline friends lick us, our first thought is that they are doing...

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